Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I had the tackiest dream

I dreamed that for some reason I went back to O’Hara to get a tour of the building. I’m not sure why I would go back to my alma mater because I don’t really care about how the facilities look now.

The answer is that they look tacky. One of the floors looked like a Macys Christmas display (without Mariah Carey dressed in a six-sizes-too-small Santa costume and singing “All I Want for Christmas Is You” like a smirking, condescendingly sexy toddler), which I thought was a gauche motif for a high school. There were escalators and it was all sort of this white marble material like in department stores.

Nothing looked like I remembered and walking through O’Hara, I couldn’t remember what the school originally looked like. I couldn’t remember where the gym was or the cafeteria or the breezeways or the TB room. I was talking to someone in my class and we both thought the school looked ridiculous.  

Oh, and for some reason Carol and Tyreese from The Walking Dead were at O’Hara doing something. Dream spoilers ahead. I guess there were there to bury some homicidal kids.

I guess the latest episode, which we watched last night, did burrow into my mind. That was one of the most disturbing things the show has ever done. Just rough.

Does anyone else think Carol looks like Han Solo with the gun and the boots and the haircut? Squint and they have the same silhouette.

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