Friday, September 23, 2016

The First Full Day of Fall

Today, Friday, Sept. 23, 2016, is the First Full Day of Fall, as the news informed me several times this morning. Since fall began yesterday, Thursday was really a Partial Day of Fall preceded by a Partial Day of Summer. Wednesday was the Last Full Day of Summer.

This means that Wednesday was all about fireworks, BBQs and pools, while today is all about gourds, earth tones and #PSL.

Tomorrow we will celebrate the Second Full Day of Fall. It will also be the start of the First Full Weekend of Fall, since Friday is partially a workday and thus, cannot be considered a full weekend day. (Last weekend we marked the Last Full Weekend of Summer.) On Monday we will begin the First Full Work Week of Fall.

Then on Oct. 1, we will mark the beginning of the First Full Calendar Month of Fall. This is different from the First Month of Fall, which begins today and ends Oct. 22. Columbus Day weekend will be the First Three-Day Holiday Weekend of Fall. Thanksgiving will, for some lucky people, be the First Four-Day Weekend of Fall.

Dec. 20 will be the Last Full Day of Fall, followed by a Partial Day of Fall on Dec. 21, followed by winter. Then it will be spring. Then summer. Then fall again.

In conclusion, fall is also known as “autumn.”

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