I knew Glenn was dead. This was not because I am good at
predicting plot twists on TV because I never see anything coming. I knew
because I went to a non-entertainment website and the first headline I saw at
the top of the page was “Glenn is alive.” Thanx. Was it really so hard to wait
more than 12 hours to spoil it? Some of us are too old to stay up and watch The Walking Dead live.
The improbable way he survived was a little ridiculous but I
suppose I’m happy Glenn is still alive. (To be fair, this isn’t the first time
he’s escaped certain death. Remember last season when the cannibals came
thisclose to slitting his throat over the tub only to be distracted at the last
second?) He is one of the only people in the cast who adds a little humor to
the story. I think it would have been more effective to have Enid stay gone.
That was a powerful episode she was in a few weeks ago and I would have liked
the idea that she would forever be a loose end in a story that doesn’t have
many neat moments. She was kind of annoying this week.
Everybody seemed a little pissy. Rosita (or Sarah or Tara or
whoever she is because she has little personality) flipped off Rick for
criticizing her trying to save Deanna’s son. Rick tore down the signs for the
prayer circle. I know Father Gabriel is a terrible person but that was a petty
thing to do. In a zombie world, let people have whatever comforts them.
I kind of liked the scene with the big board meeting around
the table with the main players. Carol criticized Morgan releasing that Wolf
only for him to kill people. Elsewhere in the episode, Morgan pointed out that
Rick let a crazed Morgan live when the logical thing to do would have been to
kill him.
That was an interesting exchange between Carol and the widow’s
son. He asked if killing people will make you become a monster but Carol says
killing is the only thing that keeps you from becoming a monster. He said it
philosophically but she, in typical pragmatic mode, took it literally.
“Heads Up” seemed like a quiet episode with a lot of
talking, another scene setter for later. Glenn released the balloons, everyone
knew he was alive and we’re headed for a nice quiet OH CRAP THE TOWER FELL AND
Wow, that was jaw dropping.
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