Monday, April 25, 2016

The Americans S4 E6: The Rat

For awhile now, I’ve been wondering about Martha’s ultimate fate. There will come a point at which the situation would be too untenable for her to keep living. I don’t want her to hang too long and wear out her welcome but Alison Wright has been so great and her character has added so much to the show that I don’t want her to leave. I think they’d have to save her death for the end of the show, because if she gets killed, I think that would wreck Philip and sort of be the end of all of it.

After last week’s episode, I am wondering exactly where they’re going with this whole Martha thing. I was sure she was very dead at the end of season three when Clark took off his wig. I thought she got a reprieve earlier this season. Now I’m waiting for her to walk the gallows after the visit with Clark, Jennifer and Gabriel in the safe house.

Martha’s life is unraveling faster and faster and even with the help of Valium, she can't deal with it. After finally asking the question of who Clark works for, she gets her answer: The KGB. Her sister-in-law is in on it and is actually her husband’s other wife. She fantasizes that she can just go back to work like nothing happened but the FBI suspects she’s a spy. (Stan and Aderholt prove their investigative skills but the fallout is sure to be terrible. Gaad is flabbergasted that his own secretary planted the bug in his pen, knowing that his career and credibility will be severely damaged.)

Worst of all, she’s seen Philip’s true face so if the Americans interrogate her, there is no plausible deniability that she doesn't know who he really is. No matter how much mercy they might want to show, the Soviets can’t get around the hard fact that Martha can identify her so they may have to kill her or send her to the USSR. The be-wigging is a double danger for Elizabeth: It puts her family in danger since the FBI could identify them and also endangers her relationship with Philip, who may have unmasked himself due to a real bond with Martha. He doesn’t really answer his Soviet wife when she asks him if he wanted Martha to see his real appearance. Philip not only betrayed the protocol of a spy but he betrayed Elizabeth by actually being truly vulnerable with Martha.

In contrast to the Technicolor sex between Philip and Elizabeth last week, his sex with Martha was bleak and very sad. She clings to him because he’s the only thing left that she can cling to, not realizing the heartbreaking fact that he will not be able to follow her wherever she goes. Is Philip having sex with her because he wants one last time for himself or because he’s doing her one last kindness before she faces exile or death? As with everything on The Americans, I’m sure the answer is “a little from column A, a little from column B.” 

The scene where Philip takes the gun away from a sleeping, vulnerable Martha was unbearably sad. What followed was thrilling: Martha, even knowing she’s doomed, taking control and threatening to scream “KGB!” on the street at Gabriel. The covers of both sides have never been closer to getting blown open. Martha at once has the potential for great power but she’s also never been closer to death. I have no idea what’s coming next but I’m sure it will be heartbreaking.

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