Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Keto/Paleo/Vegan/Egg and Wine/South Beach/Juice Fast/Lamb Chop and Pineapple Diet

It’s a new year and a brand new me! A me that is achieving weight-loss goals by embarking on several diets all at once! That’s right, I’m doing keto, paleo, South Beach, Atkins and a bunch of other crap! I’ve never felt better! Or more confused!

It can be a little hectic at times, I must admit. Like, I’m doing keto, so my breakfast is bacon-spiked eggnog and prime rib topped with peanuts. It’s just enough to get me to that sweet, sweet state of ketosis. Sometimes I add a carafe of breakfast wine so I can comply with everyone’s favorite, the egg and wine diet. But my paleo advisor tells me to avoid the eggs because the cavemen didn’t eat them, so I get a little confused. I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize the pounds melting off like April slush.

I’m also trying to be vegan, at least part time, so I thought I should eat some fruits and vegetables for lunch, which would also help me adhere to Fruitarianism (although, like Tom Brady, I refuse to eat strawberries). But many of the existing diets tell me these foods are verboten. I’m kind of torn because I don’t want to balloon because I ate an apple. The good news is I’m sticking with the Atkins diet, so I burned all the bread in my house in an emotional ritual. Ditto all the gluten. But then this all conflicts with the Ornish diet, which is high in carbs and low in fat. So I’m thinking of switching lunch over to three fettucine alfredo sandwiches on white bread but I’m just not sure. 

For an afternoon snack, I generally adhere to the baby food diet. I try to balance this with my foray into the cabbage soup diet. But then all this puts me in conflict with the raw food diet. What to do? How can I achieve a healthy balance?

Since I’m on the lamb chop and pineapple diet, dinner usually consists of six lamb chops and an entire pineapple. Dessert is several sticks of butter, eaten whole, with a pork soufflé. But then I’m also on Weight Watchers and NutriSystem, and they advocate a more balanced diet. Do I keep eating butter by the pound or should I add in some leafy greens? That would also conflict with my adherence to the Whole30 diet. It’s a dilemma.

And since nothing works like an elimination diet, I’m also embarking on a juice fast! When I’m not on all the other diets, I eat nothing but kale juice for one meal a day. This diet lets me have control and certainly has nothing in common with an eating disorder. While I drink my liquid kale, I listen to a motivational tape of Jillian Michaels screaming at Lizzo.

Last but not least, I eat whatever Gwyneth Paltrow tells me to eat. My total faith in her compels me to buy all her products to increase my self-wellness and my essential essence of healthfulness. I even bought her jade eggs to insert into the vagina that I do not have.

So it’s been a whirlwind with all these diets but it will be worth it when I strut out onto the beach with a 12-pack! I’m not a doctor but I did spend a few valuable hours on PubMed, which is all the scientific basis I need! Remember, the most important thing in life is being healthy looking thin!

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