Friday, July 24, 2015

Why I won't vote for Donald Trump

Because to have this — THIS —

represent America in any way, shape or form will not only weaken our standing in the eyes of the world but also runs the risk of damaging our beloved nation’s very soul.

Donald Trump is a clown and has been a clown for decades. The man, as part of a speech intended to get people to vote for him, alienated an entire ethnicity of voters and then lost many of his business deals. This was how he chose to start his campaign. Trump, who received five deferments from military service, said John McCain, an actual POW who was in prison and everything, was not a war hero. His business legacy includes more Chapter 11s than Barnes and Noble. He is perhaps best known, not for a grasp of foreign and domestic policy, but for yelling at Rosie O’Donnell that one time.

It both deeply saddens and deeply amuses me that Trump is a current frontrunner among the 716 Republican presidential candidates. It’s sad because it’s one of those moments when you have to once again question why the Constitution gave any of us the right to vote. It’s amusing because you just know some of his popularity is due to people who find this whole thing hilarious and want Trump to stay in the race as long as possible just for the entertainment value. I have to admit I kind of want to see him get eviscerated in a campaign commercial or debate.

Trump is one of those people we describe as, “He tells it like it is” with a chuckle and shake of the head. “Tells it like it is” is a diplomatic way of saying “obnoxious yet amusing asshole.” You know who else tells it like it is?

·      Senile people
·      Your racist uncle at Thanksgiving
·      People who have had traumatic brain injuries and lost their mental filter
·      The very drunk
·      People with zero self-awareness or sense of propriety

As you can see, the world has no shortage of people who tell it like it is. Do you want one of those people to be president? Being president of the United States requires many exceptional qualities so a candidate should be an exceptional person. Trump’s qualifications basically consist of rage and a big mouth and you can find that in any jackass down the street.

Looking at the slate of candidates, the Republican presidential nomination is like the NFC South: Somebody’s gotta win it but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. Donald Trump’s candidacy is a very entertaining reality show but please, my fellow Americans, let’s know when to turn off the TV and do something more worthwhile with our time.  

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