Monday, May 9, 2016

Game of Thrones S6 E3: Oathbreaker

And now his watch is ended. As his last act before quitting the Night’s Watch, Jon Snow executes the traitors who executed him. Olly, I had so much sympathy for you after the Wildlings murdered your family — basically for no reason — and I can still see your side of it, but you lost my sympathy after you stabbed Jon. Really, Jon had no choice but to hang these people, despite his distaste for it.

So I guess now Jon will leave for warmer climes and a greater destiny? Will he cross paths with Sansa on her way to Castle Black or will it be another case of her taking a pointless trip? Davos, one of the most levelheaded people in Game of Thrones, tells Jon it doesn’t matter why he’s alive again but what’s important is that he go out there and fail again. One of Jon’s loyalists is not as eloquent, making a crack about his anatomy under that loincloth (give him a break; it’s cold at that castle).

I know it would have been out of character but it would have been great to watch Jon cop a major ‘tude after his resurrection. Just strut through the streets and say “Bring it!” to any of the other watchmen who object. “What are you gonna do, stab me again?” I think he’s earned it after what he’s been through. He already died so I feel that releases him from his oath.

I’m glad to see the Lannisters ascendant again. Cersei is objectively not a good person but it’s a lot more fun when she’s plotting vengeance. I was very grateful to see her and Jamie take their places at the head of the small council, because that council without them is just a bunch of bumbling idiots. They should keep Olenna, though, because she knows her way around a good incest joke. Even King Tommen is not taking anything lying down, instead having a confrontation with the High Sparrow. Not much came of it but at least it’s a start for the king.

On the other side we have Ramsay, who seemed a little down this episode. It looked to me like he was buckling a little under that rant by Lord Umber (?). I just hope Walder Frey takes exquisite vengeance against the man who killed his daughter and grandson because we know from the Red Wedding that he doesn’t mess around. I also hope nothing too bad happens to Osha because I kind of like her.

It remains to be seen what Bran is learning from those visions of the past but I like the idea that the official version of history is different from what actually happened, as his father did not defeat that swordsman on his own. I liked when Ned turned back at hearing his son cry for him. Does anyone else think Max von Sydow looks ridiculous in that tree?

Would it kill Missandei and Grey Worm to lighten up a little and play Tyrion’s version of “I never”? I guess we should cut these two some slack, though. After all, they were slaves for most of their lives so their world view is a little different than someone who grew up drinking and screwing around.

Daenerys is learning her own lesson in Vaes Dorthrak at the widows’ retreat. Sure, she is the Mother of Dragons, etc., but these women don’t care. To them, she’s a dime a dozen, one of so many who married a khal.

Thank God Arya got her sight back because that whole thing was getting old. I’d love to see the waif fall on her ass. Why does she get to be so brimming with emotion while Arya has to be stoic? Shouldn’t she set a better example?

I don’t know about you but I was thrilled to get that vital update on what’s going on with Sam and his slackjawed girlfriend! She dropped another kernel of wisdom about the homophone of sea/see! I’m interested to see Old Town because I’ve only heard about those locations. Honestly, Sam, if you didn’t want Slackjaw to come with you, you could have just thrown a shiny object into a field and watched her run for it. She’s so dimwitted, you could have gotten halfway to the Citadel before she realized you were gone.

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