Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Day 16,436

Awaken to well-deserved sunlight after days of rain. Odd dreams still linger involving messages gone unreceived. Heat back on again, infuriating in mid-May, hopefully for just one more day. Head downstairs with sleep in eyes. Greet husband, already hard at work downstairs. Pet cats. Make coffee and breakfast and gradually feel more awake. Shower and dress and get ready for new day. Line up the tasks of the day: Articles to edit, authors to solicit, calendar to plan. Say good morning to son and take him to school. Head to work for another day.

A little grayer, a little fatter. Knees ache after standing for too long. Glasses now required for reading. Still, feel like a million dollars most days. Come home to full house. Can’t complain.

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