Thursday, November 26, 2020

What I'm thankful for

In this most harrowing of years, there are still plenty of things to be thankful for, on Thanksgiving or any other day. Here’s a partial list:


Good health

Seeing my husband’s and son’s faces across the dinner table every night

Continued gainful employment during a pandemic

A warm comforter on a cold night

Jumping into the pool after a hot day of yardwork

Chatting with Mom on the phone

Sitting in our sunroom and getting lost in a book

A fridge full of food

Three affectionate cats underfoot

Watching TV and movies with my family, settled in on our regular spots on the couch

Chocolate peanut butter ice cream

No more campaign commercials

Floating in the pool with Steve while listening to music

Sunday dinner with the family (or connecting on Zoom)

Early morning walks before the sunrise

Knowing how many friends I have, even if we can’t be together

Sunday crossword puzzles

Nieces and nephews

Outdoor space in a time of isolation

A head full of words

Too much good art of all types

Steve making me laugh

Seeing my son growing taller and taller


Happy Thanksgiving!

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