Friday, February 19, 2021

Hey you know what

if you suddenly stop your car for no reason in the middle of the highway (45 mph speed limit) in the left lane despite the raised median preventing any possible left turn, very nearly causing a chain reaction crash due to at least the two drivers behind you slamming on their brakes, a move that gets you some honks and high-beaming from the car behind you, and then you continue on down in the left lane, going below the speed limit during rush hour, foot skittering on and off the brake like a crab, before finally turning left—slowing down several traffic lights before your turn in the apparent belief that turning a car is like landing a plane, which has to start slowing down many miles ahead of the landing—and all the while it never occurs to you to be more considerate of other drivers by getting in the right lane and letting faster rush hour traffic pass you and get back in the left lane shortly before your turn (even though it makes you just so nervous to switch lanes, as if it were an advanced driving technique, rather than something we teach 16-year-olds) so you just sit back and relax going 40 mph and slowing down in the left lane until you can turn, oblivious to the traffic stacking up behind you (while going just fast enough so nobody can pass you on the right), and you keep on collecting dirty looks and high beams like a celebrity collecting Instagram followers, then you might think the reactions from the other drivers are a bit jerkish, and maybe they are, but at the same time, you might deserve the dirty looks and high beams, because, man, you’re really bad at driving.

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