Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Don’t ever show up with a box of doughnuts. It’s a nice thought, sure, but the presence of those fried dollops of sugar portends something dark and mournful or perhaps just annoying.


Boston crème means an early Saturday morning, showing up bleary eyed with the chill of dew and fog still on you.


Chocolate means you are ready to work, building a deck or painting two coats, or even moving that friend you once knew better, dragging boxes of spatulas and fitted sheets up the steps to a new life.


Jelly means you put on a gray suit and black tie and meet at the house before heading off to church to hear the eulogies and “On Eagle’s Wings.”


The gesture is nice but doughnuts are the bribe and the reward for doing something you don’t want to do. But I will do them all anyway because that is what adults do. Thank you but I can make my own breakfast at home.

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