Thursday, February 23, 2023

Tulips in February

I hate this weather. It should not be in the 70ºs in late February in this part of the country. I don’t mind a mild day in the winter sometimes to whet your appetite for spring. But it’s been far too mild this winter and that bothers me.


We haven’t even had any snow yet, since our area somehow has evaded all the blizzards across the country. I don’t mind the snow and I miss it. The only good thing about a lack of it is I haven’t had to share the supermarket or the road with people who have a Total Systems Collapse when they hear the word “snow” on Action News and act like they just emigrated from Ecuador and their minds can’t process the white stuff. True, we do get occasional cold days and it may snow with a vengeance in March.


This is different than just a few warm days, though. My tulips are already tentatively poking up through the ground. It’s good to know the squirrels didn’t get to the bulbs but I don’t want them to start blooming early and then die when we get a cold snap. Crocuses have been up for some time and I’m seeing daffodils start to bloom. Trees are budding. None of this should be happening at the end of February. Meanwhile, there’s a blizzard warning for Los Angeles County.


I like the weather to be what it’s supposed to be with only an occasional aberration—unusually cool days in late spring also annoy me. There is a season for everything: forsythia, daffodils, tulips, roses, vincas, echinacea, sedum, chrysanthemums. Each blooms in turn. So I like the weather to proceed like clockwork as it should, but this is more than just me being anal. It’s that constant white noise that tells you something is wrong with the world.


It can be nice to leave the snowblower idle and save on your heating bills, for a season. But this is more than that. We will pay a very high price later for these fleeting comforts now.


Friday, February 17, 2023

Remember that time Kang the Conqueror conquered the Earth and nobody ever spoke of it again?

I mean, you don’t remember Kang the Conqueror conquering Earth because it happened in Avengers comics and not reality. But I had some time to kill this week and haven’t done a Marvel explainer in awhile, so since the Ant Man movie will feature Kang, here we are.


Kang the Conqueror is a longtime nemesis of the Avengers, first appearing in Avengers #8 in 1964. He’s a regular human with no powers but does have access to a time machine and advanced technology. Kang has taken on several different identities over the years.  


Kang is an apparent descendant of Reed Richards’s father, Nathaniel, presumably through Reed’s half-sibling. Kang was born in the 31st century and to liven up the tedium in his life, sought out Dr. Doom’s time machine and traveled back to ancient Egypt in a ship shaped like the Sphinx. There he took on the identity of Pharaoh Rama-Tut and was defeated by the Fantastic Four, who were unstuck in time themselves. (This was about a year before Kang’s debut so his first appearance in publishing history was as Rama-Tut in Fantastic Four #19.)   


Kang’s other aspect is Immortus, basically an elderly Kang. The young Kang resents who he becomes as an old man, subservient to the Time Keepers. Immortus first appeared in Avengers #10, two issues after Kang, and they retconned that they were the same being (perhaps because it seemed too coincidental to have two time travelers appear so close together).


Kang and Immortus have a very long history of battling the Avengers and manipulating them behind the scenes to consolidate their own power, and they’re split into different versions of themselves due to time travel, so if you look them up on Wikipedia, be prepared to scrooooolllll down. Today I’m here to talk about the time when Kang the Conqueror loved up to his title and actually conquered Earth for a short time—and when the Avengers overthrew him, nobody ever spoke of it again.


Kang appeared in the present day and destroyed the United Nations building, warning the Avengers about the possible terrible futures they faced (everyone irradiated and dying, the Avengers being replaced by Ultron versions of themselves, etc.) and announced he would take control of the planet to keep it safe from those possible futures. He fought a vicious war against the Avengers with the help of the villainous tribes of the world, like the Atlanteans and the Deviant Inhumans.


This story started in Avengers comics in 2001 and ran for about 18 issues, with many subplots and long-running stories getting resolved in the larger story. Usually, comics have a blurb on the cover saying “Part 1 of 6” or whatever. But the Kang story just went on and on and on, which was kind of cool since it mimicked a real war in that nobody knew when it would end.


The Avengers basically called out all their active and reserve members for this and they split up around the globe to battle the various factions. One group fought Kang’s troops in Europe. One group went into space to confront Kang’s spaceship. One group fought the old Alpha Flight villain the Master of the World, who was fighting Kang for his own ends. Carol Danvers, who was then known as Warbird, ended up killing the Master, and in the process, had to confront a nasty little bit of her own history.


In the current story, Kang had the aid of his son Marcus, going by the Scarlet Centurion (one of Kang’s old aliases). Carol came to believe Marcus was Marcus Immortus (he wasn’t), the man who seduced and impregnated her in an old Avengers comic, when she was known as Ms. Marvel. Buckle up for this one.


In 1980, Carol went missing briefly and the Scarlet Witch found her in the hospital six months pregnant. This was news to Carol since she hadn’t been pregnant at all the day before. The pregnancy progressed rapidly and she was ready to give birth in the notorious Avengers #200. Her teammates had varying reactions to this. Some thought it was weird that she’d be instantly pregnant, but the Wasp and the Beast in particular gushed over Carol and was saying, like, “Do you have a color picked out for the nursery? Aren’t you excited?” To which Carol basically said, “Not really because I got raped and now I’m terrified of this weird superhuman fetus inside me.”


So the baby was born, grew rapidly to adulthood and fought the Avengers. The now-adult explains that his name was Marcus. He had abducted Carol when she was in mid-flight, took her to a timeless limbo and after seducing her “with a subtle boost from machines,” impregnated her with himself. So he had sex with his mother and the resulting baby was him.


Yeah, even for the Avengers, it was messed up.


Carol immediately had a 180-degree change of heart after the baby was born and agreed to go with Immortus to live back in the timeless limbo to which he kidnapped her. Thor, Hawkeye and Iron Man just … let her go with him without questioning if Carol was being mind-controlled. It turns out Carol was very much being mind-controlled. Immortus ended up using her and dying from accelerated old age. She ended up back on Earth trying to rebuild her life until Rogue attacked her and permanently absorbed Carol’s powers and memories, leaving Carol a shell of herself. (Rogue was a young kid back then with out-of-control powers who later redeemed herself with the X-Men. Carol had a lot of therapy with Professor X, got her memories back, and got even greater powers. It was years before she rejoined the Avengers.)


Avengers #200 annoyed a lot of people since that “subtle boost from machines” line implied that Marcus manipulated and raped Carol, and the Avengers gave her no support, and let him go. This isn’t a case of “Oh, standards were different in 1980.” From what I gather, a lot of people thought the story was tasteless back then, and today it’s a black mark on Marvel. Chris Claremont was one of the people who was pissed. He had created Ms. Marvel and I assume was unhappy with how disposable Carol was to the Avengers creative team. A few months later, Claremont wrote Avengers Annual #10, where in the aftermath of Rogue’s attack, Carol confronted her former teammates and read them the riot act for basically not caring that she got raped and not stopping her rapist from abducting her. (The Avengers are great heroes but can really be jerks sometimes.) Avengers #200 was stupid and insulting but to Marvel’s credit, they did publish this counterargument against it.

Anyway, Kang’s war went on and on. After multiple battles that spanned the world and outer space, Kang nuked Washington, DC (which made Thor snap and leave the team since he couldn’t take the grief of surviving the attack when so many civilians died) and forced a surrender. The president of the United States went to sign the articles of surrender but Kang instead made then–Avengers chair the Wasp sign, just to rub it in the Avengers’ faces. Earth rebelled against their conqueror and it ended with Captain America punching out Kang in outer space, saying the memorable line, Now, you miserable, jacked-up little tin Hitler—let's end this.” The Earth was free.

The weird thing was, no other concurrent Marvel comic referenced the fact that Earth had been conquered, and nobody ever referenced this story again. I know Marvel’s populace is jaded with so many villainous attacks but you think that would stick out in your memories.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

You Will Apologize

The scene is Harry Styles’s house. Harry, dressed in a sequined leisure suit, is tied to a chair and has a black eye. A man and a woman in Beyoncé T-shirts stand in front of him wielding baseball bats. Outside snipers in similar T-shirts aim rifles at the house.


Harry Styles: Who are you? What do you want? I can give you money, jewelry, feather boas—just name it. And please don’t hurt me.


Woman: We don’t want your material possessions. We just want you to apologize to The Queen.


Harry Styles: What? But she died months ago. We have a king now.


Man (grabs Harry’s lapels): No, you fool! Not Elizabeth! The true queen! Beyoncé Gisele Knowles Carter!


Woman: You owe her a huge apology!


Harry Styles: Well, I don’t know what I did but …


Woman: Don’t know what you did? Don’t know what you did?!


Man: The whole planet saw what you did! You stole what was rightfully hers!


Harry looks confused.


Man: The Grammy for Album of the Year! She was entitled to it for Renaissance!


Woman: It should have been hers. It should have been hers!


Man: And then you stand on stage and just accept the Grammy for Harry’s House like nothing happened. Like it wasn’t a massive injustice. An art atrocity. And you do so without a word of apology. Don’t you care about Beyoncé’s feelings?!


Harry Styles: She seemed OK when I spotted her after the ceremony. Had a little bit of trouble juggling the three Grammys she won that night, but she didn’t look upset at all.


Woman: Your speech was such a slap in the face. Not a word of apology for taking what was rightfully hers for a generational album.


Harry Styles (sotto voce): Can we really say an album is “generational” six months out?


Woman: What a disgrace. Not a word of contrition.


Harry Styles: Well, it’s not like I gloated about it. I tried to be gracious and humble. I mentioned that the other artists nominated had inspired me and …


Woman: Other artists? Other artists?!


Man (aiming the tip of the bat at Harry’s face): There are no other artists! There is only Beyonce! Bow down, bitches!


Woman (bows): Yaaasss, queeeen! Slaaaayy!


Harry Styles: OK, I know you’re disappointed and I thought Renaissance was a great album. But can we really say Beyoncé is snubbed or unappreciated on the same night when she received her—what, 32nd?—Grammy, the all-time most for any artist? Is she really the underdog here?


Man: I just don’t think she gets enough critical respect. All those music writers raved about her albums and she still can’t win the big award. Disrespectful!


Woman: Man, she can’t catch a break!


Harry Styles: Disrespectful? But all the raves from critics about her album are a form of critical re—


Woman: Silence! I mean, it’s not like she even needs these petty Grammys. She recorded a landmark tribute to queer Black dance music and now she’s too busy counting the $24 million they paid her to perform a private concert in Dubai.


Man: Ugh, don’t remind me. I tried to use my husband’s connections to get a ticket but was advised by the State Department not to travel to Dubai.


Woman: Bummer. Anyway, it’s not like Beyoncé needs your Grammy. But you will apologize. You will do so sincerely. You will do so to an international audience.


Harry Styles: I’m confused. You said she didn’t need the Grammy but you’re upset she didn’t win. And can’t I be happy I won? Why should I be sorry? I didn’t give the award to myself; the voters did.


Woman: Pathetic. He’s no Adele, that’s for sure.


Man: Right? At least Adele had the grace to be abjectly sorry when 25 won over Lemonade. Although I do think she should have gone further and actually given that Grammy to Beyoncé. It would have been nice.


Harry Styles: And what if I don’t?


Man (chuckles darkly): You’ll find out. You don’t want to know what we did to Beck when Morning Phase won over BEYONCÉ.


Harry Styles: Hey, I liked Beyoncé.


Woman (grabs Harry’s lapel): No, no—not Beyoncé. BEYONCÉ. All caps. Say it again and let me hear the uppercase in your voice: BEYONCÉ.


Harry Styles: BEYONCÉ.


Woman: I can’t heeeear you!


Harry Styles: BEYONCÉ. BEYONCÉ! I’ll do whatever you want! Just call off your Beyhive!


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The state of the union is.

On Capitol Hill, the House, Senate, and Supreme Court are gathered for the State of the Union address.


Announcer: Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States!


To great applause, the president walks in, glad-handing everyone. Legislators scream and wave around New Year’s noisemakers and it is several minutes before he can speak.


President: Members of Congress and distinguished guests, we are faced in America with an unprecedented time of testing. A time of swirling evil and baleful cumulonimbus skies and hope that blinds us like the flare of an atom bomb. But I announce here tonight that the state of the union is. It is.




President: For America is, my friends. America is and that’s all it needs to be. And that’s enough for the American people.


Wild applause for several minutes.


President: I am proud to announce tonight that the politics of failure have failed. We must make them work again!


Half the chamber applauds. The other half sit on their hands and scowl.


President: No longer will any American fear a medical bill will ruin them and consign them to financial hell. Therefore, I am asking Congress to completely overhaul the health insurance system. From now on, health insurance will be funded by lottery winnings. Americans will buy lottery tickets and the lucky winners will receive free health care for life. Rhinoplasty, pyoderma gangrenosum, ingrown toenails, cystic fibrosis—these will all be paid for.




President: Now, there are many people who have come up to me in the hallways of the West Wing and tugged at my sleeves and said, “Waah, waah—how will we pay for this? It’s too expensive!” Well, nothing is too expensive for the American people. That’s why I’m proposing to pay for it with a 100% sales tax.


Applause begins, abates in confusion, and then rises again.


President: Before we go any further, I just want to recognize a special guest here tonight, Larry Sputnik. (Points to gallery.) Larry is here as my guest because he did something very special. Larry found on-street parking directly in front of Madison Square Garden during morning rush hour and was able to parallel park there in one fluid motion.


Everybody applauds Larry.


President: See, Larry had goals. He set his mind and was able to achieve something. That’s why I’m setting a goal here tonight: by the end of the decade, the United States will have a manned base on Jupiter.


Skeptical applause.


President: No, don’t tell me we can’t do it. Don’t one of you jackanapes tell me we can’t do it. “Oh, the atmosphere is poisonous and it’s too far!” Blah blah blah. America was built on “You Can and You Will.” Therefore, I hereby order all federal agencies to direct all their efforts to building this base on Jupiter. NASA, the Department of the Treasury, the Coast Guard, HUD—you’re all going to work together to build this base.


Enthusiastic applause.


President (yelling to be heard over applause): And you’re going to build it tout suite!


Deafening applause for several minutes.


President: But you want to know what really pisses me off? (Yelling from crowd.) You really want to know? (Louder yelling.) Streaming services are too expensive (bangs hand on lectern) and there are too (bang) damn (bang) many of them!


Bipartisan applause.


President: I mean, I can’t keep up with all this! You have one show on Apple + and one on Netflix and another on HBO Max! And none of these carry Mad Men anymore and I threw out my DVDs! And HBO Max is just deleting everything willy-nilly! I’m angry! (violently bangs hand on lectern) I’m calling for streaming reform now!


The president bangs his hand on the lectern many times, so hard that his hand bleeds and the wood splinters. The vice president and speaker of the House shield their faces from shrapnel. There is an apocalyptic level of cheering and applause.


President (after calming down): One more thing. I am dropping a neutron bomb on Paris. They know what they did.


Senator: No! Don’t do it!


President: I did it 35 minutes ago. God bless America.


The president turns to leave amidst Beatlemania-decibel cheering and applause. In the arrondissements, they sleep peacefully, unaware of the screaming death soon to fall on them.