Monday, March 20, 2023

Signs of Spring

Ahh, spring! The signs are everywhere. Daffodils dotting the awakening landscape like little suns. Tulips biding their time and waiting to bloom. The Phillies playing in Clearwater. Birds chirping. Sunsets at 7 p.m. The ceremonial changing the official seasonal tablecloth from winter snowflakes to spring pastel.


But nothing says “it’s a new season” like my favorite sign of all: the Christmas wreath, still hanging on front door in mid-March, turning brown.


I just know spring is coming when I see this sight! The brown of the evergreen symbolizes the renewal of the land, and the desiccation of the once-verdant leaves symbolizes how the world is drying out after a wet winter and ready for growth. It’s a gorgeous representation of the passage of time.


Most people took their wreaths down in January, but not you—you were vigilant. You kept the wreath as a witness to the revolution of the Earth around the sun. You kept the faith while Valentine’s Day hearts and St. Patrick’s Day shamrocks came and went from people’s doors. And now that wheat-like Christmas wreath hangs high, a testament to your faith.


Sure, hanging that wreath on your door in December was probably so onerous and technically complicated—and just plain exhausting—that you decided it was easier just to leave it up for three months and deal with it when life got a little less crazy. But I like to think that’s not the case. I like to think you’re just what the neighborhood needs: a watchful sentry for the beautiful season of spring!

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