Monday, August 27, 2012

A peek into my mindset

My mind is a tumult these days. With the Madonna concert and the shore both close enough to taste, I thought I’d give you a glimpse at what is going through my head.

Seatowne 14 Madonna MDNA sitting on the deck Like a Prayer deadline thunderstorm beach Vogue when did your name change from language to magic Johnny Walker Black Gang Bang 36 hours warm ocean Dogfish Head died for our sins it’s such a loss Shore Whore 12 days updating the website lose my voice cheerleaders packing sunset at the dock antsy to get out of here 36 hours Express Yourself four more days at work Grotto friends ribs Open Your Heart the glow of the radio towers across the bay tour program Rock Band Seatowne Olympics feed the cats cathedral I Don’t Give A when you call my name Madonna 12 days Setback Mad Libs rifle guests gave good face Food Lion 35 hours sunscreen rumored setlist changes outlets tear out of the office parking lot Fenwick Island Like a Virgin the lights go down king-size bed section 211 outta here outta here outta here MDNA Seatowne 14 MDNA Seatowne 14 MDNA Seatowne 14 MD14NA SeaMadonna Seeaaatownnnne144411 MANDNADANDNAMMMMMinuucr32923*(NLIN8yew8ho23ndklnlnlkdjiqw0wqk((999999kjkdjnkasdnaskd#30#

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