Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Does anybody really know what time it is?

I know now but I was in the dark for 24 hours. Sunday I broke my watch band because I was careless and banged it on something. So all day Monday I had to walk around relying on sundials until I got it fixed.

My wrist felt weird naked because I have always worn a watch for as long as I can remember. I always have to know what time it is. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to look at the clock to see the hour. I was also annoyed at myself because the watch was a thoughtful Christmas gift from Steve and I again broke the band.

My left hand is crowded these days between the watch and the wedding ring. I’m not one for jewelry so the ring took some getting used to. But not too much because I was accustomed to it basically by the end of the honeymoon. Now when I take it off at the gym or to shower, I feel its absence. I also see the indentation on my finger where the ring goes (but no tan line because I only go out in the sun in my protective bubble of 106 sunscreen). I’m not right without these things.

So yesterday was torturous and confusing. Without my watch I had only my cell phone, work phone and laptop to tell me what time it was. I’m lucky I didn’t accidentally stay at work until 8 or 9, only realizing how late it was when the cleaning people came in, because I’m not near a window.

After a long day, I finally got the watch fixed. They did it for free because they only had to replace the little metal piece that holds the band on. Crisis averted.

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