Friday, May 29, 2015

Change of Address

Since we’ve just come from settlement and the danger of jinxing ourselves has passed, we can make the official announcement: We’re moving.

Steve and I bought a house in North Wilmington in the delightfully named development of North Graylyn Crest. We’ve been planning this for awhile and looking at listings and during a tour of houses in April, we found one we loved. It felt like home when we were walking around in there. Our present house has been good to us, and I will miss it and our neighbors, but we’d like something with some more outdoor space that’s closer to work.

We are very happy and very fortunate to have found something with some great Realtor help from Christina. I am also relieved that the process is over because I get nervous with writing out those checks and rounding up obscure documents.

It’s a three-bedroom split level. The living areas have a good flow and there’s an airy family room with a skylight and sliding doors in the back. There’s a den downstairs. It has bay windows that Cerys will probably sit by all day (once she’s done being mad at us for uprooting her). We have a driveway where we can park side by side.

We also have a stupid-big front lawn, so lawn care will be an adventure. We look forward to planting flowers and trees out front and back. The front even has a big rock on the lawn, which I love.

Oh, did I mention the in-ground pool out back? Because we have an in-ground pool. It’s pretty deep. We will be spending our weekends this summer (when we’re not working on the house or pool care) surrounded by that chlorine blue. There is also a shed that we hope to turn into a tiki bar. So bring your bathing suit if you come over.

Both of us will be closer to work, which will be nice. My commute is still an epic poem but it’s a few stanzas shorter, which helps my sanity. We are also closer to all of you up north.

For now, we will be painting and stuff all weekend. We are moving gradually by taking boxes over ourselves in repeated trips and then the movers are coming in a few weeks. I knew we had a lot of crap to move but it didn’t really register until I saw the house buried under boxes. That’s what happens when two people who collect books, vinyl and comics get married.

We are retaining the old house for the moment so I’ll still be around in Elsmere. We’ll be putting it on the market soon but for now, we have two mortgages. So it will be a cheap summer at our house. Good thing we have a pool.

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