Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Game of Thrones S6 E6: Blood of My Blood

This week on Game of Thrones, two characters reclaim their birthrights and each gets a nifty sword as a souvenir. 

What a relief to see Arya finally leave those losers at the House of Black and White and take back Needle. I’d been aggravated with her training for weeks and couldn’t understand why she’d voluntarily subject herself to such misery. Get out of Braavos and do something worthwhile with your life instead of getting blinded and beaten. Seeing that play has increasingly reminded Arya of the tragedies of the recent past and the unfinished business at home, as she extends a mercy to the actress Cersei. Now she just needs to land a solid punch in the Waif’s smug face.

I wanted Sam to throw that dinner roll at his father. What would he have had to lose? It’s not like they could have disowned him more. It was a relief to see his mother and sisters at least standing up to the jackass of a father, who apparently doesn’t see Sam doing the most dangerous job in Westeros (rather than live a cosseted life in a castle) as worthwhile. At least Slackjawed Sally finally made herself useful by standing up for Sam.

Margaery appears to have drunk the Flavor-Aid and consented to merging church and state. I’m not sure how to read this. Margaery is such a master manipulator, and has such a poker face, that it’s hard not to believe that this isn’t part of some plan to put herself back on top. This is the woman who doesn’t just want to be queen, she wants to be the queen. There was some foreshadowing in the King’s Landing play when Arya said the actress playing Margaery wanted the actress playing Cersei dead.

After all that, Jamie is no longer the hand of the king and instead has to go to River Run with nasty old Walder Frey. Benjen Stark is back. All this will come together, of course, but I have a hard time keeping some of the characters and histories together, and it didn’t help that I was tired last night after coming back from vacation.

Bran’s visions were interesting, a greatest hits of moments we’ve seen and moments we haven’t, like the Mad King trying to burn down King’s Landing with dragonfire. I know Bran is for this reason important to the story and nobody will let him die but I still resent him. He just seems kind of ungrateful, lying on his sled having visions while poor Meera has to lug him around. I know he’s crippled and all but he seems so entitled. Meanwhile, just about everybody who has gone out of the way to protect him is dead. I’m just never going to like that kid, no matter how integral he is.

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