Friday, June 3, 2016

The Americans S4 E12: A Roy Rogers in Franconia

Well, Paige did say she wanted to know the whole truth. She knows her parents have been evasive and given half-answers when she’s asked questions about whether or not they kill people and how her mother knew how to stab the mugger in the neck without much emotion. “Do you trust me or not?” Paige asks. Her parents have always asked their daughter to trust them but trust is a two-way street.

So Philip lays it out for her, telling her about the bioweapons. It’s not a game anymore, not just some petty cloak and dagger. After seeing the total annihilation of The Day After, Paige knows what her parents are messing with could affect the whole world.

“Great,” is her perfect sarcastic reaction.

But Paige hasn’t run away from her family’s dirty business. She seems to understand Elizabeth’s explanation of why she’s a fighter, with her mother explaining her hardscrabble upbringing in Smolensk. Paige is also working Matthew, even if she doesn’t realize it, reporting back information about the FBI’s search for Martha unbidden. It’s disturbing to see the teenager unconsciously engaging in this espionage. After all the Jenningses’ debates over recruitment, Paige is her mother’s daughter. The kiss with Matthew was sweet and made sense but it was almost a parallel of Elizabeth getting closer to men for information.

Speaking of Martha, we get an emotional phone call from Gabriel to the missing secretary’s worried mother, a nicely concise way of keeping tabs on the absence that haunts The Americans. They cut directly to Oleg calling his mother, assuring her of his own safety as Gabriel assured Martha’s mother of her daughter’s.

Oleg is coming unglued, though, perhaps rattled by the narrowly averted nuclear launch from the USSR and The Day After. Despite all the saber-rattling from his country, he knows how fragile the whole thing is. He wants out and his last act before a transfer to Nairobi is tipping Stan off about the bioweapons program. This is a huge, huge plot development and the FBI works quickly, narrowing it all down to William (after discovering the bug on the Mail Robot, which again establishes that Aderholt is pretty sharp).

William wants out, too. He’s understandably freaked out about the lassa. “You basically dissolve inside and then squirt yourself out your anus,” he says, and both he and Oleg know that’s not something you want in the shaky hands of the Soviets, who have abundant knowledge but not a lot of infrastructure.

William just wants to go home. An equally weary Gabriel promises him he will go back to the Soviet Union, after just one more job. We know from the previews of next week’s episode this all this will go pear-shaped pretty fast.

One more left.

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