Monday, February 13, 2017

The Walking Dead S7 E9: Rock in the Road

Anybody still reading? Anybody still watching? That actually wasn’t bad. The Walking Dead was a slog in its first half with too many unjustified extra-long episodes but last night’s first episode after the break was more engaging.

It was worth it just for the great set piece of the gang dismantling all those explosives, which added some real tension and turned an episode that had been quiet up to that point into more of a fun heist movie. Dragging that cable across the road to slice up the zombies like a cheese slicer was amusing and efficient. All it was missing was Michonne honking the horn and screaming “USA! USA!”

Rosita took charge in an impressive way, having the group not defuse the one explosive, which ended up blowing up after they left and could have killed one of them. She certainly seemed more proactive but snippy, shooting down Sasha’s attempts at small talk (of course, Abraham did shoot down Rosita in a nasty way for no reason, so maybe she’s paying it forward).

So are people playing along that Ezekiel is the king just because he owns that tiger and nobody wants to piss him off? He doesn’t believe in his own delusions but it seems like some of his assistants do so I’m not getting the dynamic in the Kingdom.

This episode was mercifully free of Negan except for a voice over on the walkie-talkie. I badly needed a break from him. There was a little bit of Carol but I’m not terribly interested. They seem to just be having her do a tapdance in the woods while we wait for her to come to the rescue so I’m not that invested. Wake me up when she returns to the main cast.

What was Gabriel doing with the canned goods? Is this a heel turn from him or is there an actual plan to benefit Alexandria?

It looks like Rick finds his army at the end, although I’m not sure who they are. I liked his smile, a combination of relief at finding reinforcements and him putting on a happy face to sell his cause to the newcomers.

That wasn’t bad. I’m not as invested as I was so these reviews will be less focused and spottier but it’s worth an hour a week for now.

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