Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Rough Road

I was driving down a road on a beautiful Sunday recently when I saw the most evocative road sign: “Rough Road.” As I traveled down the milled blacktop, I pondered that orange sign and all its implications. Don’t we all have a rough road sometimes? In this workaday world, you’re just trying to get by. You fight traffic on the way to work, spar with your boss, and go home exhausted. You get your paycheck and it might be just enough to pay the mortgage and buy some new shoes for the kids. Your brakes might be making a squealing sound and your work shirt might be looking a little shabby. Your credit card balance might be a little high. That sign said so much about life and I appreciate the philosophical message PennDOT was sending to all those beleaguered drivers out there. God knows it’s not easy. It is a rough road. It is rough sometimes. But you know what? You can get by.

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