Thursday, December 14, 2017

Moments I Will Not Get Back

That 4 seconds looking at your cart in the rice/mayo/stuffing aisle not moving quickly enough for me, interrupting my balletic sprint to eggs and cheese.

Those 2 minutes behind your bumper sticker stalled at the last light before the temporary bliss of the highway because you could not find the gas pedal.

Those 6 moments lingering at checkout as you fumble for your wallet like you were unsure you'd have to pay until the cashier asked you.

These are moments I will not get back. I add them all up in my head as the total looks like an outrage, like an unconscionable theft of time. But I get home and it's all just moments in between car commercials, waiting for the exact hour snacking can begin and when I can recline deeper and deeper. I would not know what to do with that time if they ever refunded me.

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