Friday, September 6, 2019

FAQ: Changing the Toner in the Office Copier

Q: OK, OK. Toner’s out. Um, OK … what do I do?

A: Start by opening the front panel of the copier that contains the toner. This is highlighted on the screen of the toner. The panel is also marked “TONER.”

Q: You mean here?

A: No. It’s the panel marked “TONER.”

Q: Got it. I think.

A: Pull out the cyan toner. It’s marked with the big “C.”

Q: Wait, what? What is “cyan”?

A: Blue.

Q: Then why not just call it “blue”?

A: … Pull the toner out of the copier.

Q: Ohh, I don’t want to get ink on me! I’m calling IT.

A: You don’t need to call IT. Just pull out the toner. It comes right out.
You won’t get ink on you.

Q: OK, here goes … Got it! It came right out!

A: Next, get a new canister of cyan toner. It’s in the cabinet to your left.

Q: Right here?

A: No, your left. The cabinet is labeled “TONER.”

Q: Got it. “Cyan” toner. Now what?

A: Remove the cap from the end of the toner. It’s labeled “REMOVE THIS END” and there’s an arrow on it.

Q: Oh, I don’t know. I’m not sure about this. I don’t want to get ink on me. I’m calling IT.

A: You don’t need IT. You can do this.

Q: I’m calling IT. I don’t want to break the toner.

A: Don’t call IT. They’re busy. Just pull off the cap. You won’t break it.

Q: OK, here goes nothing … The cap came right off! Just like you said!

A: Insert the toner into the copier. The canister is shaped so that there is only one way to insert it.

Q: But how do I know I’m inserting it right? Is there a diagram? I don’t want to break the copier.

A: You don’t need a diagram. There’s only one way the toner can physically fit in the copier.

Q: I’m calling IT.

A: … Just. Insert it.

Q: It fits! Hallelujah!

A: Now close the panel on the copier.

Q: Just … close it? Is there any special way I should be closing it?

A: Given the laws of physics, there is one way it will close. Swing the door on its hinges.

Q: OK, here goes … OK. It’s closed. Now what do I do?

A: Now you can print or copy again. Just try not to set the office on fire.

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