Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Both Sides

Remember on election night 2016, when the outcome was seesawing between the two candidates, and Hillary Clinton went on TV in the middle of the night and prematurely declared victory?


Remember how, when it did become clear that Donald Trump won the presidency, Clinton refused to concede, held press conferences (with her arms folded huffily in front of her chest) that angrily disputed the election results, and tweeted endlessly about the unfairness of it all?


Remember when President Obama refused to invite Trump to the Oval Office to discuss the transition? Remember when Obama actively blocked that transition by refusing to let the General Services Administration release transition funds, and also told his administration not cooperate with Trump’s incoming staff?


Remember when the Clinton campaign’s lawyers had that bizarre press conference outside the Hilton Auto Body and Ostomy Supplies in Greater Downtown Poughkeepsie, insisting that they won, despite the 306–232 Electoral College landslide victory for Trump?


Remember how John Podesta’s hair dye melted down his face when he and his fellow lawyers tried to explain their crackpot theories of election fraud, namely that the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson worked with voting software personally invented by Chairman Mao to throw votes to Clinton?


Remember how they counted the votes in Wisconsin a total of three times—once by hand—and Trump still won it? Remember how Clinton still refused to believe that?


Remember how the Democrats’ legal team filed over 60 briefs challenging the 2016 election results in court, many of which had blatant typos and factual errors? Remember how every judge they petitioned laughed them out of the courtroom for not presenting any actual evidence of election fraud?


Remember when all a majority of the Democratic caucus in the House and several attorneys general petitioned the Supreme Court, and the court wouldn’t even hear their blatant attempt to overturn the will of the people?


Remember how through the entire aftermath of the 2016 election, the Ebola virus was killing thousands of people per day and lame duck Obama abandoned his post and any attempt to mitigate the virus, opting instead to play golf and sulk? Remember how he couldn’t display even a sliver of empathy for the dead or suffering?


Remember how Hillary Clinton tweeted election-related lies so frequently that Twitter had to invent a new disclaimer?


Remember when Clinton and her legal team pressured state legislatures to appoint their own slate of Clinton electors?


Remember when Clinton’s allies floated using martial law to seize voting machines and overturn the election results in her favor?


Remember when violent antifa protesters, with the tacit support of the president, swarmed Washington to protest the election results and four people got stabbed and the police mostly turned a blind eye?


Remember when several prominent Democratic senators, including Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren, signaled that they would object to the certified Electoral College totals on the Senate floor? Remember when Obama openly pressured Vice President Biden to assume extraconstitutional powers and not accept the Electoral College vote?


Remember when Hillary Clinton violated state and federal law by having an hour-long conversation with the secretary of state of Michigan, pleading and threatening an elected official to find her the exact number of votes it would take to overturn the elections in that state and award its electoral votes to her? Remember how livid the Republican Party was at this blatant, seditious subversion of democracy and its attempt to nullify over 80 million votes?


Remember all that? Both sides!


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