Thursday, January 28, 2021

Things That Annoy Me When People Do Them in Movies or TV

It annoys me when people in TV or movies walk into or out of a house and leave the front door open. They probably do this because going back to close the door would distract from the dialogue, but I’m always watching and saying, “Close the door!” I end up distracted from the dialogue anyway, so they might as well close the door. Who are these people? Can they afford to heat or cool the whole neighborhood? Do they want bugs to come in?


It annoys me when people in TV or movies end a phone call without saying goodbye. Almost nobody will say goodbye or give some kind of conclusion to a call. They just hang up. It could be a declaration of love or a revelation that someone has a horrible disease. And at the end, it’s just “click.” It’s rude.


It annoys me when people in TV or movies go out to a restaurant and then don’t eat. These people are “I’ll just have coffee” or “Nothing for me, thanks.” Then why are you there? This nags at me because I like to see people eat—not watch them eat, as I had to clarify with my son at dinner when he thought I meant I liked to watch people chew, but I just like to know that they ate well. I watched a lot of Dallas and that always happened on that soap opera. People would set up a lunch meeting at a nice restaurant and then they’d just have some bitchy “Stop sleeping with my husband” exchange and one of them would storm off before the waiter took their drink order. I’m so obsessed with food that I’m thinking, “Well, did they ever eat? Did they just skip lunch and go home?” I’m concerned for these people.


It annoys me when people in TV or movies turn down money. Unless it’s actual blood money, if someone offers you money, you take it. I’m talking here about characters who are simply too proud to accept a large check out of principle. Meanwhile, I’m watching at home and yelling, “Take the money! What’s your problem?!” Donate some to charity or do something decent with that money but Take. It. I think it’s healthy to see money as an emotionless tool that lets us achieve our goals and gives us security. If someone offered me a large check, unless it were blood money, I’d deposit it so fast, I’d leave a Looney Tunes-esque cloud of smoke in my wake. I wouldn’t even think about being beholden or proud or any of that nonsense. I would have zero angst.


This is off topic but it amuses me lately to see commercials use Fleetwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way” in such an oblivious manner. Some animated children’s movie used this song awhile ago and now there’s a pharmaceutical commercial with a guy singing a mellow version of “You can go your own way/ Go your own waaaay” like it’s some uplifting Zen koan. The reason he only repeats these lines is because they’re literally the only positive lyrics in the whole song. The first line of the song is “Loving you isn’t the right thing to do” and it also contains the bilious gems “You can call it another lonely day” and “Packing up, shacking up is all you want to do.” “Go Your Own Way” is not some inspirational song—it’s Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks hissing and spitting at each other. It’s breathtakingly nasty and I love it. It’s just funny to think of someone hearing this commercial and seeking out the original, expecting some inspiration, and instead finding it’s full of coked-out ‘70s vitriol.

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