Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Excuse Me

Hey, I’m just going to push my way in here for a second while you’re busy doing something. Doesn’t matter what that “something” is. You could be making dinner or folding laundry or having your purchases rung up by a cashier or reaching for an item on a shelf or fixing something. I’m just going to insert myself between you and the thing you were already working on. Will only take a second.


And I’m just going to do it again a few more times while you’re busy with the same thing. I’m going to reach in front of you, walk across your path, grab something in front of your face, interrupt you when you’re doing something. Just a few more times and I’ll be out of your hair. It’s because I forgot something/dropped something/lost something/just can’t wait my turn. You can accommodate my lack of preparation/patience/consideration.


Not that I need to explain anything. Because I’ll just be a second. I’m just going to barge into your space and grasp and push and usurp and do whatever I need. Don’t mind me! I certainly don’t mind you.


Hey, just let me force my way in here again. I’m technically asking but you’ll notice the tone of my question is rhetorical, because I’m already pushing in before I finish asking. So we’ll never know whether or not you’d agree. I’m just going to use my too-big-to-fail personality to dominate your space in small but insidious ways; to steamroll people who are less assertive than me, then act like they’re “just being stubborn” when they’re only standing up for themselves like I stand up for myself. I’ll just be disruptive for a few seconds, then leave you alone until the next time I disrupt you.


… What do you mean, “no”? Oh, lighten up. Life’s too short for you to get all huffy about people who push themselves in front of you, and it’s certainly too short for me to pass up an opportunity to push my way in front of people without asking.

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