Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I am not one of those people

Please please please let Action News not be at the Price’s Corner Acme tonight. I am not one of those people and I don't want the viewers to think I am. I do not panic shop before the snow.

But tonight I have to go food shopping. I always go Thursday nights but I don’t know if I want to go tomorrow because it might still be snowing and I may not feel like it. I have zero fear of driving in the snow but I won’t feel like shoveling out the car and then getting to the supermarket and it’s closed. I could easily wait a day since we won’t run out of food but it annoys me to shop on Fridays after work and I absolutely refuse to go food shopping on Saturday or Sunday unless I need something immediately because the store just too crowded. I like Thursday nights. Nobody is there and I can get in and out.

The thought of shopping tonight … ugh. Maybe I’ll wait til it starts snowing and go out because by then, maybe people will be hiding under the bed saying the rosary that the snow doesn’t get them. My nightmare is that the local news will get a shot of me doing regular shopping and I will never hear the end of it. I also dread the crowds of people who feel the best way of dealing with snow is to hit the panic button. I wonder if I’ll see the Panicked Butter Lady, who was stockpiling butter before the blizzard a few years ago. She had her arms full of as much butter as she could carry and had this crazed look in her eyes.

I am not one of those people. I just buy regular food when it snows. I don’t go crazy with snack foods or buy a dairy farm’s worth of milk. The reality is that we don’t live in the woods where downed wires would keep us indoors for days and even if we can’t drive anywhere, there are plenty of places to walk to get supplies. Even in 2010 when we had two blizzards in one week, I was only indoors for a day. There’s always enough food somewhere in our house to tide us over. My main worry if the power failed would be the cold, not a lack of food. It’s cold enough to just put the food in a cooler on the deck anyway.

I did go out last night and buy eggs because we were about out and I didn’t feel like dealing with the Dairy Section of Doom at Acme. I needed gas anyway so I went to the adjacent Walgreens and it was fine. There was a massive line at BJs for discount gas so I went to another gas station two blocks away and it was the same price with no lines.

If Action News does get a shot of me tonight, maybe I can convince them to run a chyron under my name saying, “Not one of those people. Just doing regular shopping since snow happened to fall on regular shopping day.”

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