Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I had the most irresponsible dream

I dreamed I was in Las Vegas for a business trip. I was supposed to meet one of our contributors for lunch at noon. I looked at the clock and it was 11:55. I had just woken up and still needed to get showered and dressed.

I was completely panicked and it didn’t help that a bunch of other people were using the bathroom while I was trying to get ready. I considered skipping shaving to save time but that still meant I had to shower and be at the restaurant very soon.

Time got all weird and the five minutes seemed to last longer but I got hung up on every little motion of getting ready and just couldn’t do it. I have no idea why I wasn’t already up and ready at nearly noon. It was especially appalling since I was on the West Coast and should have been up much earlier than normal due to jet lag. I basically slept til 3 p.m. EST. It was very irresponsible of me and very unlike me.

I had this huge hotel room that was bigger than my first apartment. It was so long that it was a hike to get from one end of it to the other if someone knocked on the door. There was also a separate room that had all these couches and a dining room set and served as a sort of lounge. I had seen this room before in another dream. I had a similar huge room like that one the last time I was in Vegas for work. It had a sectional and dining room table and all. It was kind of a waste since I was by myself but was still nice to have.

That was in contrast to the one room I stayed in in New York a few years ago. It was almost like one of those micro hotels. The room was just about as wide as the bed itself. I didn’t care so much because it was just overnight and I was alone but it was really funny to me. I guess it’s just a room for people who don’t really care too much and are going to be out and about all day.

Not sure what any of the preceding meant.

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