Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Now that Matthew McConaughey has an Oscar, can I not hear about him?

I don’t really have anything against him but I feel that the discussion of his career is out of all proportion to his work and exploits. It’s just that I had been reading a lot of the Oscars predictions and got tired of hearing things along the lines of “Will they just give Matthew McConaughey an Oscar already?” Some critics were saying the same thing about his role in Magic Mike, which I thought was just OK. He was fine in it. But a lot of this talk of “just give him the Oscar” seems to happen for a lot of actors and it seems like the actual argument is “Well, he’s been in a lot, so …” I’m sure his performance in Dallas Buyers Club is great and I’ll see it at some point. I just think some of the focus on Matthew McConaughey can be dialed back a tad now that he has his statue. He just seems to draw excessive focus on whatever he does, personally and professionally, and I tire of it. Remember when the police busted him for a noise complaint and he was in his house playing the bongos naked and we had to hear about that for the next 62 years? Because it was so hawt that someone was naked in his own home. How transgressive. What a bad boy. It’s just flat-out erotic when I, half asleep and harried, get undressed and get in the shower. At least his acting renaissance (I’m sorry — “McConaissance,” because we have to give everything a catchy term based on a pun on someone’s name) took some attention away from this shopworn tabloid story. Now I get to read volumes about McConaughey’s charming, southern-fried, mellowed-out, regular-guy, charming charm. No shirt, no shoes, no problem. Know what I mean? He gets older and they just stay the, etc. He says “alright, alright” in his acceptance speeches. Did you know that? Were you aware? Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright. Alright. Enough.

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