Tuesday, July 29, 2014


This morning I had to dig my wool winter coat out of storage and put it on. It’s chilly out! It really feels like autumn out there! As they said on the news, it’s A Taste of Fall! Brr!

This is all due to the recrudescent Polar Vortex, which has again come screaming down from the north. This is otherwise known as the jet stream dipping down a little farther than normal for summer. But that’s not fun or catchy. I don’t know about you but I like my weather report with as much melodrama as possible!

I might have to turn the heat on later! I’m really wondering how cold it’s going to get. Last winter during the Polar Vortex, it got down darn near zero but I’m hoping this July cold snap is a little more merciful. It really does feel like fall this morning! I look at the forecast for the week, with highs only in the 80s, and it really does remind me of those brisk November days!

Anyway, fall! This weather makes me want to make my special ginger snap casserole, dump a piping hot pumpkin latte over my head, and then douse myself with Calvin Klein Burning Leaves cologne!

I’m also taking this opportunity to make broad conclusions about the state of our climate. How can I trust the reports of climate change when we’ve had a few brisk mornings? So I’m extrapolating that to the entire planet. I don’t know much about science but I sure know what I see outside my window!  

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