Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I had the most rescheduled dream

I dreamed my doctor had rescheduled my appointment without my knowledge. Originally, I was supposed to have an appointment at 4:30 on a Monday. Then they moved it to Thursday. Fine.

At 4:08 p.m. on Monday, the doctor’s office called me at work and said I really needed to keep my 4:30 appointment. That was impossible since the office was an hour away. I prepared to read the receptionist the riot act, slamming my office door so hard that it went past the frame like a swinging door.

I was incensed that they switched my appointment and switched it back without my knowledge. I was screaming that I would just have to find a new doctor after decades of going to the same person. During my rant, my coworkers kept coming in with Chinese food since there was some kind of party. I went into the stairwell to make my call, hoping the sound of some giant machinery would mask my yelling.

This dream is not hard to analyze. We are renovating our bathroom and they were supposed to start work last Monday. I waited around to let them in but nobody came. I called around and one of the contractors told me they couldn’t do it that day and they were surprised nobody told me. So I ended up sitting there like an idiot and was late for work and had to park in East Jabip.

I emailed the guy (not screaming like I did in the dream) and said while I understand construction plans can change, it was ridiculous that nobody told me. He apologized and they rescheduled the work first for that Thursday and then for the next Monday.

I just want this project to start. We already moved toiletries and stuff out of the bathroom so the rescheduling was a bit inconvenient. We also have had a tub and vanity sitting in our dining room for two weeks and would like those things to go in the actual new bathroom where they belong.

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