Monday, July 3, 2017


This type of nonsense wouldn’t fly at Huntingdon Learning Center and it certainly shouldn’t fly at the White House.

When someone like the president has so much to learn about the world and his job, he should be actually learning something and trying to improve his knowledge base. Maybe Google “healthcare reform” or try to understand the difference between North and South Korea. Trump’s aides keep excusing his missteps and misunderstandings by saying “he’s new to government.” Well, maybe try to catch up a little?

The president of the United States really has nothing better to do at 9 a.m. on a weekday than tweet about some mean talk show hosts or forward some dumb gif about knocking out CNN because its reporters criticized him? This is not some bored office worker going online to run out the clock. This is arguably the most powerful person in the world, and he’s watching cable news and tweeting.

The frequency of the stupid tweets is bad enough but the indignity of the content is profoundly embarrassing. I keep trying to imagine Obama or Bush or Clinton acting with so little dignity and I just can’t. All presidents have faced criticism but the others realized they should rise above it and try to get their work done. Even Nixon’s virulence was saved for tapes that were never intended for public release. Trump campaigned by saying other countries were laughing at us. That laughter gets louder every time he tweets.

Can you imagine what idiotic words his presidential library will immortalize? “I’m president and they’re not,” he said this weekend. This is not how a competent adult behaves. Trump should rise to the office and not drag the presidency down to him.

Please, please, please, stop screwing around on Twitter and accomplish something. Create some jobs like you said you would. Preserve Medicare and Medicaid like you said you would. At this rate, the only thing you’re accomplishing is lowering the bar for the presidents who come after you.

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