Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Game of Thrones S7 E2: Stormborn

I enjoyed this episode’s table-setting more than the table-setting in the season premier.

The battle of the Greyjoys was fun and impressively shot through flying embers, if a little bit confusing with everything going on. I don’t think too many people will miss the Sand Snakes. It looks like Yara and Ellaria are the prizes Euron will bring back to Cersei. Is Theon playing a long game or did he just lose his nerve?

I liked the scenes with all the rival families finally getting together to plot their conquering. Daenerys forgives the treachery of Varys (with uncharacteristic fear in his eyes) conveniently before forgiving the treachery of another mercenary, Melisandre. How will Daenerys feel when she finds out about the priestess’ part in Shireen’s sacrifice? Varys’ words, “Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty,” are words we can all live by, even in this world. Missandei again proves her spot on the team, correcting the gender of the prophecy about the prince.

Miraculously, everybody converges from different parts of Westeros to meet in Dragonstone. There’s immediately bad blood between Tyrion and Ellaria but despite the death of Oberyn, I side with the Lannisters here. Ellaria says there are no innocent Lannisters but she killed a kid and I judge.

Up north, Arya finds Nymeria but maybe has changed too much or been away too long for the direwolf to recognize her. Now that she knows the Boltons are out of power, can she waltz right into Winterfell? Jon decides to meet Daenerys in Dragonstone despite some misgivings. The scene in Winterfell just felt a little too repetitive of last week, although I’m always grateful for Lady Mormont to get a word in.

In King’s Landing, the cognitive dissonance is strong. Cersei tries to convince various factions to unite with her against Daenerys by recalling the cruelty of the last Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne. Nobody seems to realize that Cersei just did what the mad king did with the wildfire—like, just a few days ago. It seems like there’s a weird lack of acknowledgement of the firebombing of the sept and deaths of the king and queen, considering this was the 9/11 of this world. Cersei appears to be appealing to class divisions to get the soldiers to fight against the “savages” from other parts of the world.

I’m not buying what’s happening in Old Town. All those years and all that accumulated wisdom and nobody thought to try debriding the greyscale? It’s a pretty primitive and intuitive treatment. It just seems too deus ex machina, like not only is Sam finding the key to defeat the white walkers but he’s also going to cure a disease. Come on.

Oh, and Grey Worm and Missandei give into their urges. Get it, kids.

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