Friday, July 7, 2017

What Is Wet May Never Dry

With summer heat and outdoor activities in full blossom, we hear so many exhortations to be safe. We get warnings about sharks in the ocean, lightning, heatstroke and all other sorts of dangers. Well, I’m hear to warn you about a danger many overlook: Leaving your car windows cracked when it rains.

I hope I don’t need to point out how dangerous this is but some things bear repeating. When you crack your window and a summer shower pops up, you actually run the risk of getting your car seats wet. This can lead to all sorts of unpleasant side effects, such as moisture. Your pants and shirts may get a little wet, until they dry.

You see this danger arise every day in office parking lots all over America. The morning will dawn with a spectacularly clear sky and employees will crack their windows to blunt the heat of the day. Then in mid-afternoon, the skies will darken and everyone will hear the thunder pierce the artificial chill of the central air. Your coworkers will go to the window and gawk in horror at their slightly lowered windows, agonizing over what to do.

“Should I run out? Should I leave the windows down and hope for the best? Ohh, I don’t know what to do!” Mark and Patty will fret in the lobby.

The smart thing to do in this situation is run out into the downpour, even if you don’t have an umbrella, and roll up your windows. You’ll be soaked and cold the rest of the day, and may look ridiculous, but isn’t that worth the risk of preventing your upholstery from being ravaged by an agent as caustic as rainwater?

Sure, the sun might come out in 20 minutes and the heat may dry the car seats as if it never rained. But do you want to take that chance? Will those seats ever truly be dry?

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