Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Well, thank God that's over

Yesterday, Labor Day, a single brown leaf floated on the surface of our pool, like something out of an e.e. cummings poem. That is the official sign that summer has ended. (I should have stopped barbecuing immediately and left the meat to rot for the winter.)

Well, thank God that’s over. I am certainly ready to leave behind the drudgery of pool season and let fall begin. I certainly welcomed the rainy days and cool nights in August, which meant that we had to curtail our swimming for the past few weeks. This, combined with not opening the pool until the third week in June due to repairs, meant we lost about a month of pool time in total. I didn't mind at all, even though we spent so much money on a new pump and tank and patching a leak that my credit card now groans audibly every time I take it out of my wallet.

No, I don’t mind the arrival of autumn one bit. At least I won’t have another awkward night floating in the deep end with my husband, watching the moon or white clouds slipping over the starry black sky, or whatever crap is happening above our heads.

Other things I’m glad to be rid of as summer dies: Beach trips, watching cumulonimbus clouds build in the west before exploding into a thunderstorm, pleasant breezes, blooming flowers, eating lunch and reading a book outside, barbecues, lightning bugs, backyard parties with friends, comfortable clothes, trips to Rita’s for water ice or ice cream, and having hours of daylight after getting home from work. I’ll trade all that for having to put on a sweater, 5 p.m. sunsets, and walking outside to smell … autumn smells.

What a relief. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to pretend to care about pumpkin.

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