Wednesday, November 22, 2017


There’d better be carnage by the time I get up there.

It is unforgivable enough for my field of vision to fill with the angry red of brake lights. There had better be something to see, some reason for this inconvenience. I had better see frantic red and blue flashes highlighting the catalytic convertor melted to slag, or the door twisted to modern sculpture, or the windshield divvied into engagement rings.

Make it worth my while to have lost the length of a pop single grumbling as if my dashboard could hear me.

But (since everything bad always happens to me) I get to the head of the line and it’s nothing. Whatever disaster there may have been vanished in a puff of less than smoke. Or maybe there was never anything more than a cascade of brake tapping by the cautious or incompetent that slowed the whole thing down.

Moments I will never get back and it was all for nothing.

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