Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It's Spending Wednesday!

You braved the crowds for deals on Black Friday. You popped down to the local artisan mayo shop for Small Business Saturday. You sought great online deals on Cyber Monday. You opened your wallet and your heart on Giving Tuesday. But are you ready for … Spending Wednesday?

That’s right, today is now Spending Wednesday. I’ve declared an arbitrary day for everyone to just spend money on things.

Here’s the idea: You just go out and spend. Pick the closest businesses to you and just pay for whatever they have. Doesn’t matter what it is or if you even have a use for it. Just hand over your cash or plastic to pay for the first few things you see. Just keep buying things. Do it until you max out every credit card you have, and take advantage of the special Spending Wednesday credit card offers by opening a new card to max out (and smart shoppers get 5% off purchases). Do it until your wallet is full of crickets and tumbleweeds.

The best part of Spending Wednesday is that you can double your donations to for-profit companies just by spending double today.

So get out there! Buy! Pay! SPEND!

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