Friday, December 21, 2018

Forever Family

On Wednesday, the three of us, surrounded by family and friends, went to court to finalize the adoption. This means we are legally forever family.

Of course, that only tells part of the story. Beez has been a part of our family for some time now, since he moved in with us in June and even a little before. I remember the first time we sat down to watch a movie together and he found a spot on the couch, and it was like he had always been there. He started making himself at home in our lives and we started making ourselves at home in his.

Next month, it will have been three years since Steve and I started this process by taking classes. Since then, we’ve been through a rainforest of paperwork, background checks, home studies and all the other legal things that go along with trying to provide a home for a kid from foster care. That’s not even to mention the actual search for a child, a weird cycle of hope and despair.

But not since we first met Beez. Since then, it‘s been nothing but hope. After a long search, by some miracle, we found him, and he’s stuck with us for life. I am so grateful for that.

Now, we’ll get ready to watch him come downstairs, sleep in his eyes, and see his presents under the Christmas tree, the first year of many.

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