Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Mid-'90s Story

When I was in college, in about 1995, I was taking a film class. One of the movies we had to watch was Dreams by Akira Kurosawa. Apparently there was only one copy available at Blockbuster or West Coast Video, so the class had to pass around the tape so people could watch it at home on their VCRs. So I had to arrange to exchange the videotape with one of my classmates. I was going to call her from our landline from home but my Mom was on the phone for awhile and I couldn’t use it. I think I may have finally gone to a payphone to call my classmate and arrange to meet her. We met in the parking lot of Houlihan’s and exchanged the videotape.

Videotapes, landlines and Houlihan’s—it’s not an interesting story but it’s the most mid-‘90s thing I can think of.

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