Thursday, December 19, 2019

Uh, Dishwashers

A poem

Sinks, uh, showers, all of this stuff,
I did a lot of it.
No water comes out.
You have areas
where there's so much water
you don't know what to do with it.
You turn on the shower,
you're not
to have any water anymore.
I mean, we do a lot of it.

Uh, dishwashers.

You did the dishwasher, right?
You press it.
Remember the dishwasher,
you press it?
there'd be like an explosion,
five minutes later,
you open it,
the steam
pours out,
the dishes.

Now you press it 12 times.
Women tell me. Again.

You know, they give you
drops of water.
And they're in places
where there's so much
they don't know what to do with it.
So we just came out with a reg
on dishwashers.
We're going back to you.

Ten times, right?
Ten times.
Not me of course,
not me,
But I never mention that.
Because one time I mentioned all three.
I said, sinks, showers,
and toilets.

The headline was,
“Trump with the toilets, toilets.”
That's all they want.
They don't even mention the,
so I didn't mention that,
I go off the record.

But you know what, it's
You wanna wash your hands,
you turn on the sink,
no water comes out.
So you leave the water,
go ten times as long,
it's same thing.
You have a shower.

It's no good for me,
for me.

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