Monday, July 2, 2012

Apropos of Nothing

I thought the reaction to the video of Karen Klein, the bus monitor who got taunted by school children, was just a tad hysterical. It was a shame and that’s about my full response. Some of the commentary was way too florid, with people writing as if this video actually showcased the worst that humanity can offer. No, it didn’t. Off the top of my head, I can thing of 15 million things worse than what happened on this bus. The fact that Klein got interviewed by every major media outlet was overkill and the public did not need to analyze and comment endlessly on her video as if it were the fucking Zapruder film. Nobody will remember it in six months anyway. I didn’t even watch it. I have no interest in watching some woman’s humiliation because I’m bored at work.

I can’t follow the whole Fast and Furious government scandal. I don’t even know what it’s about. The whole name for the scandal makes me think of the action movie so I don’t care. If a government scandal doesn’t have a catchy name, you’ve lost my interest. I know that’s shallow on my part but … meh.

I think Major League Baseball should announce the advent of intraleague play. I just want to see how many people get excited because they don’t know what intraleague means.

As much as I love thunderstorms, I’m happy we didn’t lose power last weekend. We just got a kick-ass light show. I don’t mind the heat but I’m spoiled by our efficient central air.

Of course I’ve been watching the new Dallas. It’s trashy fun with so many double crosses that I started to lose track of them. As expected, it’s much more fun to see the original cast than the younger generation. On the first episode, when JR came out of his near-catatonic depression, put on his cowboy hat and flashed the shit-eating grin, I wanted to cheer. It also brought a smile to my face to hear the old theme music and to see the scene of JR, Sue Ellen and Cliff exchanging barbs. The whole show could just be the original cast bantering and that would be fine with me.

Speaking of TV, we’re really getting into Battlestar Galactica and Mad Men through the magic of Netflix on demand. It seems we like our TV shows to be several years old or sometimes cancelled before we actually watch them.

Oh, I forgot to wish everyone a Happy Fiscal New Year!

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