Friday, April 19, 2013

Treat Yoself

As part of our effort to primp ourselves for the big day, Steve and I have undergone spa-type treatments. I have never had any of these things before. Some I would repeat and some I would not.

We had facials. They were OK. I’m not sure what I expected to get out of it but I wanted to look as close to poreless and airbrushed on the wedding day as possible. It was nice to have all those lotions and what not but I didn’t see some huge difference. They told us we both looked great but we pretty much looked the same (although maybe the experts see things that we can’t). It wasn’t like there was this big unveiling and we looked like movie stars.

The best way to describe the facial was that right afterwards, my face felt like your teeth do after a cleaning. It was analogous to that fresh feeling. Later it just felt … fine. I don’t know that I would do this again.

My better half highly recommended (read: required) the manicure and pedicure because my version of taking care of my nails is biting them. Well, not the toenails but definitely the fingernails. My nails and cuticles do look better and they dipped my hands in this paraffin that came off like some kind of movie special effects mold and left my hands feeling soft. The talons on my toes are no longer talons. The feeling of the emery board on my toenails was agonizing and weird but I coped somehow.

So I would do the mani-pedi again. My hands have to look good for the photos and any close-ups of the rings and handfasting and my toes need to look good as I lie around the pool on our honeymoon.

I had never before had a Swedish massage. It was relaxing. I don’t understand how people fall asleep during them, though, because I could never fall asleep while someone is prodding me. They got rid of a knot in my shoulder that I didn’t know I had.

The massage was fine and I’d do it again, perhaps as soon as our honeymoon.

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