Friday, August 16, 2013

I had the most emergent dream

I dreamed I was at some kind of party and there was a fire in the house. I was down the basement and it was slightly hazy with smoke and it was really hot. Nobody else seemed to notice.

When I went to call 911, I kept dialing wrong and getting people who were not 911. A woman let me borrow her cell phone and it looked just like the old cell phone I was using in the dream. I was asking her if I had to dial 9 or 1 before calling 911, like we were in an office.

It’s a recurring theme in my dreams that I have to use some kind of electronic device to prevent an emergency and can’t do it. I will often need to make a call and just can’t dial the numbers correctly and it turns into a big disaster. Or I won’t be able to work the remote control or something.

Last night another recurring theme returned to my dreams: That we need to sell our house and move into an apartment. This time, the apartment was really nice and had a huge deck outside overlooking a river. It was a huge apartment, as big as a house, but I was worried that we were giving up equity by renting instead of buying.

When I showed up at the new apartment, the cats were already there and happy. Steve said they were fine when he brought them over in the car, which should have told me it was a dream because they hate the car. I was glad the landlord let us have cats because I was worried we’d have to give them away (which in reality would of course be a deal breaker).

The apartment was also located in the back of a huge Best Buy. If we wanted to buy a CD or electronics, we could just walk out our front door. So that’s something.

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