Thursday, August 1, 2013

On My Own: A Short Play Starring Patti LaBelle and Michael McDonald

Scene One
Patti LaBelle lies alone in a bed that suddenly feels too big for her. Several tear-stained tissues lay on the quilt. An overturned photo frame sits on the nightstand. Rain is falling softly on a large picture window.

Patti: So many times you said it was forever. Said our love would always be true. Something in my heart always knew I'd be lying here beside you on my own.

Patti rolls over and runs her hand over the empty half of the bed that once held Michael McDonald.

Patti: On my own. On my own.

Scene Two
In his apartment, Michael McDonald sits at a desk while trying to pay his bills. The desk is strewn with paperwork and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Michael: So many promises never should be spoken. Now I know what loving you cost. Now we're up to talking divorce and we weren't even married.

Michael looks wistfully out the window at the rain that continues to fall.

Scene Three
Some time later, Patti appears in the hallway outside Michael’s apartment. She stares at the door, debating whether to knock.

Patti: On my own once again now. One more time by myself.

Patti knocks on the door and Michael answers. He resists the urge to kiss her but instead sighs sadly and lets her in. She takes off her raincoat.

Patti: No one said it was easy.

Michael: But it once was so easy.

Michael turns away from her sadly. Patti walks over to him and confronts him.

Patti: Well, I believe in love.

Michael: I believe in love.

Patti: Now here I stand. I wonder why?

Michael walks away from her and slumps back down at his desk.

Michael: I wonder why …  

Patti: WHOO! I'm on my own. Why did it end this way? This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Patti notices a framed photo of the couple from a trip to Bermuda. She and Michael were so happy then, with a future so full of promise. She runs a finger lightly across his photographed cheek.

Patti: I wish that we could do it all again.

Michael: So many times I know I should have told you. Losing you it cut like a knife. You walked out and there went my life. (He does a shot of Jack.) I don't want to live without you on my own.

Patti: This wasn't how it was supposed to end. I wish that we could do it all again. I never dreamed I'd spend one night alone.

The two approach each other and stand with their faces inches apart.

Patti and Michael: By myself!

Michael: I've got to find where I belong again. I've got to learn to be strong again. I never dreamed I'd spend one night alone by myself.

Patti: By myself. WHOO! I've got to find out what was mine again.

Michael: My heart is saying that it's my time again.

Patti (putting on her raincoat): And I have faith that I will shine again. I have faith in me.

Patti gives Michael a sad smile and walks out the door with her head held high. Michael stares at the door for several seconds. The apartment suddenly seems too big, too lonely and with too many ghosts. He still smells her perfume.

Michael: I have faith in me …


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