Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I had the most inefficient dream

I dreamed I had some work to do at our house in Elsmere to get it ready for rental. So I walked to the house, which is usually a 15- or 20-minute drive. I realized I didn’t bring any clear trash bags so I could dispose of the yard waste after weeding, so I stole some from some kind of work site. It also started snowing so I was looking around for a shovel I could steal. I ended up walking through places that are nowhere near Delaware on the way to our house, cutting through people’s houses.

In retrospect, it would have been more efficient to drive there.

This is all bubbling up in my subconscious because we have some applicants to rent the house. One couple asked us to do some work, like painting and cleaning. There is also the weeding. The back had become overgrown while we were on vacation so I went over last weekend to weed that big tree weed that’s always been in the back that I was unable to pull out entirely a few years ago. I got most of it done but the tenant was coming over minutes later so I had to stop and leave because I didn’t want to be there all sweaty when the people showed up.

In any case, we are getting closer. Our Realtor has been working hard and showing the house to a lot of tenants. We just need the right combination of responsible and solvent. It’s almost like a game to read through their information and how it paints a picture of a lifestyle. I hope we will soon be paying only one mortgage and have a little breathing room.

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