Monday, September 14, 2015


Did you read about those winners who wrote an online essay for Vox about voluntarily living life as if they were in the Victorian era? They write with fountain pens under the light of an oil lamp. She wears corsets and he wears wool workout clothes. They ride those huge unicycles around town.

These people sound insufferable and I am so glad I do not have to know them. I hate the Victorian era. I hate everything about it, from its restrictive attitudes and colonialism to its pink Christmas decorations. These people acknowledge getting a lot of hatred for their lifestyle. I don’t hate them; I just think they’re wack jobs.

I understand the appeal of wanting to simplify and not run out and buy every device Apple makes and instead invest in well-made furniture and what not from the past. But walking around in corsets? My understanding is that corsets were not fun for women back then and I’m sure if it had been acceptable back then, many women would have thrown on some sweatpants while doing their hardcore chores. Of course, a lot of things weren’t great for women in the 19th century. I wonder if this woman will go all the way authentic and not vote?

Things weren’t great for a lot of people back then. Basically life only worked out for straight white men during Victorian times. And there was nothing romantic about cholera. I see the appeal of recreating that era so it’s more equitable for people, keeping the positives and throwing out the negatives. But on the other hand, there’s something obnoxious about these people who have enough means to buy an old Victorian house and antiques and costumes who are using their privilege to celebrate the privilege of another era. Their essay doesn’t really acknowledge that Victorian times weren’t a barrel of laughs for everybody.

Of course, at the end of this online essay about Victorian living, the authors direct people to their website. Did irony not exist during the reign of Queen Victoria?

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