Wednesday, November 25, 2015

So We're Adopting a Child

Not, like, right this second or anything. It will take a few months or a year or something like that until they place a child with us. But Steve and I have started the process so we thought we’d update people.

We’ve been planning this for awhile but wanted to wait until we moved into the new house and had tenants settled in the old house so our finances would settle down. This way, we can give adoption our full attention (one major life change at a time, please). We filled out an interest form a few weeks ago and the next step is taking adoption classes in January and February. Until then, we’ll be doing research and what not to get ready. Then we’ll have a home study and paperwork galore and hopefully, eventually, we will have a child in our home who will become part of our forever family once we work out the legal details.

We are hoping for an infant or toddler. We’re going through the foster care system in Delaware for a permanent adoption and that means a child who might have special needs. We’re very excited to give a loving home to a child who needs it. While the idea of special needs does scare me a little, since I want to be sure we can provide what a child needs, I also know that birth parents don’t get to uncheck a box and opt out of special needs, so if they can deal with it, so can we.

At this early stage, I’d say we are excited and nervous. I’m excited because I think Steve and I will make good fathers. I have wanted a child for a long time and while it took a back seat to the rest of life for awhile, I am grateful that our lives are in a place where we can do this. I’m nervous because I’m a worrier at heart (with a million questions and anxieties) and the process is daunting and having a child at our house seems far away. But of course, we’re venturing into the world of parenting and we’ll have challenges for the rest of our lives once we actually have a child so I can’t let myself be intimidated by paperwork and red tape. I have fears but am determined to be fearless, if that makes any sense.  

Fatherhood will not always be a walk in the park, I know. For every scrap of wrapping paper happily tossed around on Christmas morning, there will be a tense trip to the ER with a feverish child. But having the chance to give unconditional love and a good life to a child who needs it, and experience love in return, will be more than worth it. It’s time.

I’ll update people on the process as events warrant and as we’re allowed to share things. So mixed in with my usual recaps of zombie and spy shows, obscure comic book trivia, and snarky one-act plays, expect a little baby talk.

So anyway, that’s what’s going on with us. Happy Thanksgiving!

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