Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Let's all take up a collection for Kanye West's debt

The revelation that Kanye West is $53 million in debt is alarming but let’s not panic. Let’s form some breakout groups all over this great nation and brainstorm some ideas to bail out this man, who has released multiple number one albums and performed on lucrative tours and also married into a family so wealthy they make the 1% look like that migrant mother in the Dorothea Lange Depression photo. 

We can at least breathe a sigh of relief because Kanye notes he still has enough money to “buy furs and houses” for his family. However, he still just doesn’t have enough money to “bring more beautiful ideas to the world.” As we all know, the only way to make great art is by throwing money at artists. Once enough cash has accumulated in a bank account, voila — art!

Don’t believe me? Then name me one decent work of art that ever happened for free or at low cost, without a $1 billion infusion of cash from Facebook.

Kanye’s disciples have raised $4,000 or so through online fundraising so that’s a start but it’s not enough. I want to see you all drop your petty financial concerns like paying your mortgage or student loans or putting food on the table for your kids and join me. Here are my thoughts:

You know swear jars, where people pay money after using profanity? Well, let’s establish ego jars for Kanye West, except we’ll be the ones who pay. Every time he tweets that he’s a genius, we’ll all give him a quarter. We could also have self-pity jars, so whenever he complains that even though he’s won multiple Grammy awards in the last decade he’s never won the Grammy he really wants, or complains that nobody respects him despite the nearly unanimous critical acclaim for each of his albums, that’s another quarter from the public.

Kanye and Kim just had another child, if I remember my tabloids correctly. I hope they’re taking advantage of the range of tax deductions related to children. I also hope when they go into H&R Block to get their taxes done, they remember to deduct their mortgage interest. You’d be surprised at how far this can go.

Don’t sample anything in your music. It’s too expensive to get clearance and pay out publishing royalties. Just record your albums with kazoos. Rerecord all your old albums with no samples and all the sampled artists will have to pay back whatever you paid them.

Maybe don’t do things like hire an orchestra to propose to your wife? 

I want to see five ideas for Kanye debt relief from each of you by EOB today. We’ll pay off his creditors in no time.

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