Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Walking Dead S7 E8: Hearts Still Beating

OK, that was an improvement on the previous season seven episodes. The Walking Dead, I think, works much better when they can check in on several plots per episode, rather than having several one-story spotlight installments in a row. It’s more propulsive and more like the structure of comics, where there are several balls in the air at once. I wonder what this season would have been like if they’d interspersed stories throughout.

One downside to the structure of this season is that we didn’t get to see much of strong characters like Carol. Not that she had too much to do so far. She’s basically achieved the dream life of the post-zombie apocalypse world: She has a cozy home and plenty of food, and she puts her feet up and reads by the fire. This is pretty much the best it can get and there’s no point in constantly running for running’s sake. I also liked the checking in on Maggie and her copping a ‘tude and making that idiot at Hilltop give her his apple.

Some of this episode seemed to be structured like “Who Shot JR?” A few of the characters got into scenarios where they could kill Negan, including Michonne and Rosita. When Rosita had that monologue about every other person in the cast having some sort of defining trait or role, didn’t she seem to be telling the audience that she has no real character?

After that surreal pool game (at least they didn’t try to have any symbolic billiards, like a lingering shot of an 8-ball), straw man Spencer winds up gutted, conveniently clearing the board of anybody who really opposes Rick. Poor Olivia gets shot and Negan is still enough of a dick to make fat jokes even after the woman is dead. Eugene gets kidnapped by the Saviors, who probably realize they can exploit someone capable enough to make a bullet.

That whole bit with Rosita’s bullet missing Negan and hitting Lucille was ridiculous, as was his tantrum that the apparently pristine bat wrapped in barbed wire has been irreparably scarred. Does Negan actually think Lucille is a person? His obsession with that bat has been annoying me for weeks. I hope she picks a fine time to leave him.

I thought Rick and Aaron’s zombie battle in the lake was novel. I didn’t understand why Aaron started stuttering when the Saviors confronted him about the “you still lose” sign. I was saying, “Just explain it! Out with it! It was an innocent mistake!” It was kind of funny to see Rick get home to Alexandria and see what kind of trouble the kids got up to in his absence. The pool table is outdoors and there are intestines all over the driveway.

The reunion at the end was hopeful. I liked Darryl crying in Rick’s arms. Rick has the motivation to lead again but he should step aside and let someone else give it a shot. Maggie, Michonne and Carol are more than capable (but of course they’re holding Carol back to be the deus ex machina again).

Season seven wasn’t that great overall but had a few good moments.

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