Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ugly Time of Year

This is an ugly time of year, at least for now. The snow melts and reveals everything we left behind at the last change of seasons: The perennials you forgot to deadhead, the Christmas banner fallen off and sodden, the windchimes knocked down one blustery night.

This is not the mudluscious Just-spring of cummings. The snow lost any romance it had last week, abandoned on the side of the road like ancient jalopies not worth fixing because they’re just going to rust away. Snow goes gray on the shoulder like septic skin. The grass is matted down like hairspray defeated by a hat.

This is the world awakening like a fallen-asleep limb. It’s painful and uncomfortable but not for too long and then sensation returns. Then we will get the color back, every shade of red and violet and gold. It’s coming soon. It’s never not.

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