Friday, March 3, 2017

Unplanned Endings

It seems like this past year has been the era of the unexpected ending. So many sports championships and other events have had unforeseen results. It’s the trendy thing to do, I guess.

In sports, first the Cleveland Cavaliers come back from being down 3-1 to win the NBA Finals over the Golden State Warriors. This gives Cleveland its first championship in decades. Then the Cubs win their first World Series in over 100 years over another starved team, the Indians.

Then the Patriots come back from being down 28-3 to win the Super Bowl over the Falcons in overtime. Of course I missed the comeback. I figured out that I went to bed immediately before the miracle catch that extended the drive. The next day, I was annoyed that I missed the first overtime in Super Bowl history but then realized that I didn’t feel like missing sleep to watch New England win. (By the way, now that the Patriots have won two more Super Bowls in three years, can the anger and self-pity at Roger Goodell’s pursuit of Tom Brady please end? Sure, your team won “vengeance” after being so put upon. The whole “They hate us because they ain’t us” thing I’m seeing is idiotic. What’s really going on is that people are just bored and annoyed with some of the Patriots fans who have zero self-awareness and come off like one percenters going apoplectic about getting a traffic ticket.)

Then the UK votes to Brexit the EU, which nobody thought would happen. I guess everybody was so sure “Remain” would win that there were some people who registered a vote for “Leave” as some vague protest against the system. Many people apparently had no idea what Brexit was as Google searches for the term spiked after the vote, when it was too late for people to educate themselves. Ahem.

Then Donald Trump got elected president, another thing nobody thought could happen.

The latest unexpected ending was during the Best Picture award at the Oscars, which went to La La … er, Moonlight. I actually saw the wacky mix-up live because I had just arrived in Las Vegas for a business trip and it was only 9 p.m. there; at home, I would have long been in bed. I was just about to turn off the TV when the La La Land producer said Moonlight actually won and it was not a joke. (You had one job, PricewaterhouseCoopers accountants!) It was surreal to see so many celebrities slowly register what had happened, and I was as shocked as them.

But what does all this mean? Why are these comebacks and weird things happening? I think it’s a conspiracy. I blame the Bilderberg Group, the Rand Corporation, the Illuminati and the company that manufactures those chemtrails that cause autism in kids. Wake up, sheeple!

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